Tim Basketbal Putra Juara

Selamat kepada Tim Basketball Putra D3IF3501 yang menjadi Juara 1 Dies Natalies Informatika 2012 yang diikuti semua mahasiswa Informatika aktif

New Semester, New Spirit !

Sambut semester Empat dengan penuh semangat dan yang jelas, kita pasti bisa !

Our Superb Class

Towards Leading in Gold Achievements

Stay unite every single day

no matter how complex the problem is, we shake hands each other to solve the problem together

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Perancangan Antarmuka Aplikasi

Pertemuan Pertama IMK (PAA) Klik

Step 1 -> Know your User and Client Klik
(upd) Understand the Business Process Klik
Step 2->Graphical and Web UI Characteristic Klik
Step 3->Understand the Principles of Good Interface and Screen Design Klik
Step 4-> Membangun Menu Sistem dan Skema Navigasi Klik
Step 5-> Select The Proper Kind of Windows Klik
Step 6->Select The Proper Interactive Device Klik
Step 7->Screen Based Control Klik
Step 8->Clear Text and Message  Klik
Step 9->Provide Effective Feedback , Guidance and Assistance Klik
Step 10 -> Internasionalisation and Accesibility Klik
Step 11, Step 12 ->Create Meaningful Graphic,Icon, and Images at the Proper Color Klik
Step 13 -> Organize and Layout Windows and Pages Klik
Step 14 -> Uji, Uji, dan Uji Ulang Klik
Mobile UI Design -> Klik



Last Update : 9/10/2012,18.39
More : http://hettihidayati.blog.ittelkom.ac.id/blog/